What to Expect from This Ancient Pain Relief
If you are experiencing back pain, you probably have tried many ways to
alleviate the pain and discomfort. You may also be frustrated because
nothing has helped. If that's the case, it may be time to take another
avenue – an ancient one.
What do you know about acupuncture? In the past, the process of
acupuncture was not discussed and was clouded in mystery. The look of
acupuncture was scary.
Is acupuncture mystical, magical or medicinal? Acupuncture is none of these
things. In fact, the process is tried-and-true, having been used for
thousands of years in ancient medicine. Acupuncture helps with many
ailments, from smoking cessation to headaches to back pain.
The short explanation
Acupuncture involves using needles that are no thicker than a hair. These
needles are used to unblock the energy pathways of the body. Acupuncture
tools are now regulated by the FDA and all needles are sterilized and used
one time only.
The body is composed of energy that runs throughout along lines called
meridians. Acupuncturists use meridian maps to help them know where to
place the needles for treatment. When we are ill, suffering from back pain,
an energy pathway is blocked. This blocks the blood flow and causes
stagnation in the tissues leading to toxin buildup.
The needles are placed at these meridians to restore the flow of energy.
They also facilitate toxins to flow out of the body via the lymphatic system.
Once the energy or chi is restored, the back pain will resolve itself. The
muscles of the back will unknot and the spasms will calm down.
The first appointment
Do your homework first. Choose a reputable acupuncturist who has been
licensed. Tell him or her about your back pain history and any medications
that you are using, as well as any allergies. Your practitioner will inform you
of any risks, no matter how slight. There is a chance of bleeding, soreness or
pain at the insertion site.
You will be given a gown or towels to cover you modestly while the
acupuncturist works. You will more than likely be lying down on acomfortable table. Let the practitioner know if you feel any discomfort or
pain. Most people don’t feel anything as the needles are applied.
Some people feel energized right away. However, it may take a few sessions
for you to feel the full effects. For people with intense pain, heat might be
applied to the area in question for a more intense treatment.
Acupuncture is considered an alternative treatment for back pain which is
gaining in popularity very rapidly. When you are frustrated with the results
of other treatments, this ancient method may be the answer for relieving
your back pain for once and for all.
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