Tuesday, June 11, 2013

People can expect to lose a lot more weight if they have a friend that will lose
weight with you. Make weight loss a shared experience by exercising together.
You can talk about the bad and celebrate the good as weight loss buddies. When
you have to answer to another person, you are much less likely to slack off on
your diet and workout routine.
 Try to become friends with those who are physically fit to increase your level of
motivation. You could make them your model when it comes to the things you
want to achieve. You can also benefit from their advice and counsel when it
comes to staying fit.
 Often the healthiest foods in a grocery store are around the perimeter of the store
so focus on that first. The very nutritious foods like produce, cheeses, dairy, and
meat are usually along the outside. Nasty processed foods that contain lots of
sugar and salt, and not much else, make their homes in these aisles. The
avoidance of these aisles will help fight the temptation to buy these bad foods.
 It is important to never completely cut out your favorite food. If you stop eating
your favorite foods completely, you will find that you crave those foods even
more. You'll end up eating too much of it in the long run.
 Buying smaller dishes can help you reach your weight loss goals. It is in our
nature to fill our plate or bowl with food, but as time passes, portions have
become larger and it's harder to figure out how much you should really be eating.
Using a smaller salad plate allows you to fill your plate while still eating less.
 Try to eliminate the word "diet" from your vocabulary. Telling people you're on a
diet can arouse negative connotations or feelings and might discourage you.
 It's important to make a habit of checking your weight at regular intervals while
you're trying to reduce it. This will help you chart your progress and see what is
working with your plan. It is a good idea to record your progress on a chart.
People who keep track of it have better results.
 Eliminate soda completely from your diet. They have lots of sugar and carbs, and
increase future sugar cravings. A better choice is a bottle of cold water to stave off
thirst and help you get healthy and slim.


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