Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Once the processes I’ve just talked about have been completed,
your body has digested and absorbed the food. However, before
the nutrients have actually entered the blood stream, the
nutrients are not actually considered to have entered your body.
So you can actually eat a whole lot of good food without
absorbing it’s nutrients.
You can ensure that you absorb the maximum amount of
nutrients through a number of ways, but the major concerns
would be to limit caffeine and alcohol intake, as alcohol can
reduce the secretion of digestive enzymes that help to break
down food and caffeine can reduce your body’s absorption of
iron. Stress can also play a role in not allowing your body to
absorb all the nutrients available to it. So if you want your body
to absorb the maximum amount of nutrients, keep caffeine and
alcohol intake to moderate levels. You can probably still have
your morning coffee, but make sure that it is spaced at least an
hour away from breakfast.
Going back to protein, what is it about red
meat that doctors say is bad for you?
Fatty meats or red meats are typically higher in fat and the fat is
generally a higher saturated fat than say, poultry. It would be the
saturated fat in the meat that doctors are advising against.
To make a blanket statement that red meat is bad for you would
be overkill. Even though they may contain higher levels of
saturated fat, red meat still has high levels of the essential amino
acids, that your body needs to survive.
That means that the protein in the meat provides all eight
essential amino acids while the protein in wheat flour or cake
flour may only provide one or two amino acids.
It comes down to an understanding of not throwing out the baby
with the bath water, if you eat beef, just make sure that you cut
all the fat off it – or purchase lean cuts of meat.


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