Thursday, June 20, 2013

People forget that America is the
youngest country in the world having only
been discovered and established with in
the past 500 years. Pharmaceuticals have
become popular only within the past 100
years. Compared to the rest of the world,
everything that is considered Western is
still new. Even with today’s newest
technology, research and discoveries, correct information on
weight loss remains at a standstill.
The American way of weight loss may include taking diet
pills which suppresses appetite and may lead to malnutrition. Fat
burning pills sometimes burn fat, but they also diminish muscles,
tendons, and organ tissue.
Some diets include cutting out all breads, or perhaps a
vegetarian diet is suggested, but that is not for everybody.
Regardless of what the case may be, many people fail to lose
weight. This may be due to a misunderstanding of how the body
really works.
Eastern cultures have a different approach to health and
medicine, and this knowledge has been around for thousands of
years. The world’s oldest literature, The Vedas, which was written
5,000 years ago, contains valuable information on how to live
healthy lives and cure diseases through diet and lifestyle. This
information is the basis for Eastern medicine.

There are many incurable diseases in America that can
actually be cured with Eastern medical approaches to health. This
is because in the West, pills are given to treat the symptoms, but
they do not treat what is actually causing the problem. Without
removing the cause, symptoms will reappear. In Eastern medicine
the focus is to treat the true cause of the condition. This is the
correct way to getting healthy and staying healthy.
It is a fact that population of Eastern cultures have the
lowest percentage of overweight people in the world, while
Americans have the highest percentage of those overweight. A
thing or two can be learned from the Eastern way of living and the
basic theory of Eastern diet and lifestyle is quite simple.
The basic knowledge of Eastern medicine and knowing the
proper way to eat is commonly known throughout the population of
Eastern countries from medical practitioners to housewives. While
this information may seem abstract at first, it will later prove to
make sense.
The approach to Eastern medicine sees that the human body
is a part of nature, and that the elements between nature and the
human body must be in balance for true health to be present. This
can be easily done with a little understanding of what this exactly


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